Are you a number one priority in your life? Your life begins, and ends, with you... Every aspect of your life... your finances, relationships, emotional well-being, spiritual connection and health... begins with you. As women, we have been conditioned to seek for validation, power, security, happiness, and "enoughness" outside of ourselves. More often than not, we seek for our worthiness and to be acknowledged by other people and when we don't get what we expect, we are left with a deep-seated feeling of disappointment that often leads to a feeling of inadequacy. To walk authentically in the power and amazing of who you are, you have to identify who the woman in the mirror REALLY is... Not what others have said about you... Not the limited version of yourself that was afraid to be big and bold... Not the false belief about yourself that was programmed within you... The Divine YOU... the you that was created in power and with purpose. The unlimited version of who you are created to be. The powerful essence that is directly connected to the Creator/Source/The Divine. Until you learn how to show up powerfully in relationship with yourself, in power with yourself, in love with yourself, in happiness with yourself and secure within yourself, you will never be able to successfully and effectively tap into this type of relationship with any other person. Has Rejection created a counterfeit you? We have all experienced rejection on some level. Our faulty core belief systems about ourselves came in through the suggestion of someone else. Think about it... What is the biggest fear or obstacle that you are struggling to overcome? Who suggested that it couldn't be done, or worse still that YOU couldn't do it. The truth in WHO you are and WHAT you are in life, began as a result of the thought that you came into agreement with.. Until you learn how to manage your thoughts, about life and yourself, managing your life will continuously be a constant challenge for you. Learning how to manage the pain is a big part of the victory to overcoming the limiting beliefs that control your life. You are a Spirit being having an experience of humanness. Tapping into the true, Divine essence of you is the beginning of living a life that is in complete alignment with your truth and divinity... not who everyone else has De-Fined you to be, or requires you to be. Who do YOU want to be? Do you want to be number one or will you continue to settle to be less than you know you deserve? What do you need and desire for your life right now?
I believe you found your way here because, not only is something out of alignment in your life and you don't quite know where to turn to for help, or how to align yourself with your PowHER, potential, passion and purpose, but YOU DESIRE MORE FOR YOUR LIFE. You are probably at a place in your life where you are feeling a need to level up and move past the surface level healing so that you can address things at a soul level. You may even be acknowledging that it's necessary to face the shit in your life head on. It's time for you to identify and acknowledge whether the people, places and things in your life are adding to your joy and peace or subtracting from it. Let's just be honest about it... you are connected to some relationships and situations that are not serving your joy, peace or success. You recognize that you need to do some soul searching and shift some things in order to welcome newness in your life. It's time to shed the old in order to replenish your life with newness. You are a woman who knows that you are destined for greater and your hearts desire is to move beyond the pain and the feeling of emptiness and dissatisfaction, and connect to your PowHER and happy place... But becoming number one requires you to do some work. So where do you start? 1. Believe that you can BE. 2. Decide that you deserve to BE. 3. Choose to take the necessary steps to BEcome. 4. BE willing to do whatever it takes. It's time for you to give yourself permission to be, do and have it all! If you desire transformation and are ready to move beyond emptiness, heartache and feeling like you are not fulfilling your ultimate purpose in life, I will help you get to the root core of the issues and challenges you are creating. Yes... I did just say that you are creating. Every experience that you are having today, you are creating it and the good news is that you can use the same power to recreate it. That's why you are here reading this... It's your time, it's your season. The only question is how will you proceed? If you are ready to experience a new level of passion, fulfillment, success and personal PowHER believe that you can. If you are ready to master the art of living a life of abundance, purpose, power and presence... A life that gives you the opportunities to play bigger in the game of life, and experience the fulfillment that you desire and deserve, know that you can do it. If you are ready to talk about how you can do it all, then click here and let's talk. It's time for you to be Number One in your life, unapologetically!
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AuthorI am Denika Carothers, Life Coach, author, healer and Mental and Emotional Wellness specialist. I help my clients transcend the pain and trauma of rejection, grief, abandonment, loss and abuse. Archives
January 2025
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