We live in a world of too much...
Too much emails Too much drama Too much stuff Too much junk Too much racism Too much hatred Too much bills Too much loneliness Too much depression Too much sadness It's just all too much! And it's become overwhelming to too many people. We've heard it for too long... simple is better. Well if this is true why does everything seem so complicated? It's because we have bought into the narrative that more is better without understanding what more entails. And whilst I am a firm believer that we can be more, do more and have more if that's what we desire, often consideration is not given to what kind of more we are creating, and what the more will bring with it. "To whom much is given much is required" is a scripture that many know yet do not understand the depth that comes with the responsibility of more. I believe, however, that there is an unspoken understanding and this is why many people settle for less when they really desire more. More is great if it brings with it... More love More peace More understanding More security More joy More contentment More laughter More meaningful connections The world has become so disconnected from the value of life while chasing the value of stuff. I've heard many stories of people on their death beds yet have never heard of them regretting not having more "stuff". More is great when it contributes value to our relationship with ourselves and our relationships with others. Often when one seeks for more it's because they feel that they are lacking something. Seeking for more with the mindset of lack creates more lack because you end up with "too much" rather than more of. When you think about it, 'too much' is rarely a good thing. When you desire more from a place of love and gratitude, with a motivation to be more for yourself first and then for others, you make space to create abundance. If you are feeling a sense of too much, and are feeling overwhelmed by it, you are facing a decision today and I challenge you to reflect on... "What's important to ME? What truly matters in MY life right now?" This question of reflection may lead you to downsizing some things like the 900 channels on your cable package. I mean who really has TIME to watch 900 channels? You may find that you are paying for things that you don't even use. You may be motivated to declutter your closet of the outfits that you haven't even looked at, much less worn, during the last 2 years. You may realize that the relationship you are in does not support your joy or peace. You might discover that your career/job is the reason why you suffer with headaches and exhaustion every day. You might find it necessary to evaluate your friendships and associations. Listen... this is one of the most valuable lessons that I have learned in my life... you cannot be, do or give to someone else what you are not able to be, do or give to yourself. I will never be able to teach you something that I haven't yet learned. Okay, yes it can be argued that I can teach you from someone else's book but baby when I teach you from the book that I have penned with my own hand, because I have learned it first-hand through my own experience, you will KNOW that I know what I'm talking about because you will feel it. It's called conviction! And it just may be time for you to live by your own convictions rather than the convictions and suggestions of others. If it don't fit you don't force it on you and don't allow others to force it upon you either. Give yourself permission to choose what works best for you in this season of your life. I spent the first two hours of my morning unsubscribing from the email list of others. 80% of my email inbox is filled up with junk mail every day that I never opted in for. I've just been allowing it to pile up in there. Today I said "nope... time to disconnect from EVERYTHING that clutters my space... physically, mentally and emotionally." Time for me to stop wasting time on anything that brings no value to me. You get to do that too. If it's become too much for you know that you can downsize, declutter, release, walk away from, modify or amend. Your life is yours... remember you get to do with it what you choose. If it's become too much remember less can be more beneficial for you.
AuthorI am Denika Carothers, Life Coach, author, healer and Mental and Emotional Wellness specialist. I help my clients transcend the pain and trauma of rejection, grief, abandonment, loss and abuse. Archives
January 2025
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